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Writer's picture: OC Shorinji KempoOC Shorinji Kempo

Gassho! On Saturday August 6th, 2016 Orange County Shorinji Kempo Branch students rose to the Huntington beach, California sun and placed their best foot forward to embrace a beach clean-up, Shorinji Kempo practice with swimming and food!!!! All of you know first-hand the value of parents who lead by example and give their time to support the community we live in. “Half for one’s own happiness, half for the happiness of others”

There were so many highlights, such as Elizabeth (California State Parker Ranger) who gave us a great lecture on the variety of the garbage we find in our beaches and the negative affect to the animals and sea-life, the beach practice where the loud kiai’s could easily be heard over the ocean waves, Hagata Sensei from Mt. Diablo joining our event, Andrew S from the newly opened Yuma, Arizona branch, Lauren/Nicholas’s Shita Uke geri kote NAGE, Lana’s 12th Birthday!!!! , Shorinji Kempo (SK) Cake by Connor, Ms. Masako Nagashima san from the Koutou Sunamachi Dojo in Tokyo (江東砂町道院) or the great variety of FOOD!!! Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, American main dishes and desserts were spread across 5 Tables. The pictures speak for themselves!! Kesshu! Gassho!


Orange County Shorinji Kempo

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